Mother Daughter Photoshoot
It is beautiful and it is messy.
It brings us tears of joy and tears of exhaustion.
It sucks all of our time, energy, and even sanity, but it also replenishes with squeezy hugs, sloppy kisses, and belly laughs.
The days are long but the years are short, momma. Cherish these days, these moments, and never ever forget them; they will be even sweeter in memories; and don’t forget to capture them because your children want to see you when they look back at their childhood pictures. Your children want to see you – the woman who loved them unconditionally, who was their biggest cheerleader, who scared away monsters at night and kissed their boo boos during the day. You are the most beautiful, perfect momma, and they want to remember you. Yes, you. Right now, just as you are.
Whether you take your own pictures or hire a photographer, do it for your children, friend. Your children and your children’s children will thank you.
When your children search for pictures of you one day, what will they find? I hope they will find something like this
Session video – scroll down to see images.
Wooing her Littles
And to the stunning momma in this post, Brooke – also known as a Writer. Volunteer. MOPS Group Founder & Leader. Wife & Momma. Friend. Yogi. Runner. Superwoman. Oh, & one of the most inspiring women you could know. One day you will pick up a book authored by this amazing person. Oh, and did I mention she is gorgeous? Inside & out. And her children and husband ADORE her. She woos the heck out of her children. I see it in the way her sweet four year old looked at her – the love and admiration for her momma was just gushing out of her smile.
Thank you to the amazing Courtney Mathias from Courtney Mathias Salon for the gorgeous hair and makeup for these lovely ladies. And to the talented Margaret at Margaret Henry Photography, thank you for the behind the scenes video and images – you rock, Margaret, even while holding a hair dryer!! 🙂