My Mom | Celebrating Women in the Much About Momma Project |
I started planning the Much About Momma Project last fall to put Mommas in the spotlight, to give them a session all about them, and to make them feel special. I have loved every single session I have done and have felt so blessed to be able to get to know each mom a little better.
This session is especially close to my heart because this is my mom. Isn’t she beautiful? I don’t think she will ever fully comprehend how beautiful she really is – but I hope that she sees just a glimpse of her shining beauty through these pictures.
I see her beauty through many things:
They way she loves my girls. They call her grammy and they simply adore her. And her mac and cheese. And her cherry jello. She will drive or fly hundreds of miles from Pennsylvania to see them and it means the world to me that she and my dad have such a special relationship with my children even when they live far away.
The way she takes care of others. She loves to cook and any time they have company, my mom always makes favorite meals for her guests if she knows what they love. She spends hours preparing everything to make sure it is perfect.
How she encourages others. She and my dad have been my biggest cheerleaders. Through school, college, grad school, jobs, and now with my photography business. They believe in me and encourage me to make my dreams come true.
Her wonderful advice. She has always told me that we make our own happiness. What a wise, lady.
More advice. If ever I am struggling in life and I don’t know which direction to go, she tells me to give it to God. And quite honestly, when I do, everything works itself out.
Her kind words. I have mommy guilt a lot. Like how I sometimes feed my little one spaghettios. Because she LOVES them and is such a picky eater and needs to gain some weight. So I sometimes get out the can of spaghettios so she will eat more than a few bites. And I feel guilty. And my kind mom tells me to let it go and that feeding processed food to my child sometimes is just fine.
Her smile. Need I say more? It doesn’t get much more beautiful than her smile.
And I could go on and on.
I have more to write about this project, but I will do that later.
Special thanks to my dad for taking the last two pictures for us. 🙂