Be Encouraged, Weary Mom
Dear Weary Mom,
I see you. As Mother’s Day approaches I want to encourage you, friend. I’ve had conversations recently with other moms who feel really discouraged in the season they are in – not knowing how everything is going to turn out. And sometimes it feels like everyone else’s life looks like cupcakes and rainbows. Well…
First and foremost, I want to say YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I don’t even know what storm you are sailing through (or stuck in) right now but what I do know for sure is that you are not alone. If you feel alone, please reach out to a trusted friend – you know, the one who is vulnerable and authentic and who doesn’t pretend like her life is perfect and all put together. No mom has a perfect life – we are all broken. Momma, remember, even the shiniest families have problems, they just hide them.
Second reminder – THIS SEASON WILL PASS. Whatever hard time you are going through right now will not last forever, friend!! You remember the newborn stage when you were feeding your baby in the middle of the night trying not to fall asleep wondering how all the women over the years did this? And wondering why no one talked about how hard it was? Guess what!? You got through it! High five!!!!
Or maybe you are in a difficult season with older kiddos – when the problems can’t be fixed with a band aid and a kiss. Sigh. We.will.get.through.this. I spend much time praying for our kiddos these days – for wisdom and guidance.
My third reminder for you is that YOU ARE THE PERFECT MOM for your kiddos. Perfectly imperfect – but perfect for them.
The fourth, friend, is that THE LITTLEST THINGS COUNT.
Just showing up.
Making their favorite snack.
Laughing with them.
Welcoming them with a smile when they get home from school.
Asking about their day.
Just listening.
Joyfully driving them from one activity to another.
Texting them.
Cheering them on.
Showing grace.
I know these things seem so small but when you add everything up over the years, it impacts them in beautiful ways.
And lastly, JUST GIVE IT TO GOD. I want to share a scripture with you that brings me encouragement.
6 do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Be encouraged, weary friend. You’ve got this. XOXO