Beauty in Divorce
April’s Story
Going through my divorce was the most difficult and heartwrenching experiences I have gone through. I felt like so many things were spiraling out of my control. I felt terrified for myself and my children. I felt uncertain about the direction in which our lives were heading. I no longer felt strong and joyful.
The beauty in divorce for me has come in the form of my amazing friendships and in my ability to pull myself and my children out of the trenches and into safety. During the initial phases of my divorce, I had two friends from graduate school come over with a “Basket of Sunshine”, a beautiful basket of all things yellow to cheer me up, and another friend drop off a sweet care package for me and my children. I was reminded of all the love and generosity around me. On one occasion, I was talking to a friend on the phone, and she was telling me how strong I am. I finally expressed that ‘I don’t know why people keep telling me that I am strong because I don’t feel strong, and I keep crying.’ She taught me that the reason I am strong is because it’s hard. She explained, that if it was easy, I wouldn’t be strong. The beauty in divorce for me has been realizing my own strength and finding peace in my home.
Through the divorce process, I have also found an amazing and supportive group of friends who were going through their own divorces at the same time as me. They were able to empathize in the difficult moments and share in the joyful ones.
Through the initial feelings of helplessness, came a realization that although I cannot always control every circumstance, I can control my attitude towards the situation. This has changed my outlook on everything in life. I will forever be grateful for the support of my incredible friends and my changed perspective on challenging circumstances.